Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

Overview of Several Media for Teaching English part I


Printed media, such as textbook, flipchart, comic, and other printed media is commonly used in English language learning at school. In this part, the writer took media comic for students from junior high school consider that they has lots of imagination or fantasy. The comic which made by writer in two days contains the conversation between a young man and his father about the building that they just passed of road on the way to junior high school. This comic used for teaching of public places. By using this media, the student will be able to memorize vocabularies in public places context and know the function of its.

The way of teaching vocabularies using comic media is quite easy. The teacher provide the comic and adhere it in front of whiteboard. Then, the teacher start to read the conversation stated in the comic and ask student to read together. After that, the teacher ask student about difficult vocabularies and translate it into Indonesian. Before it, the the teacher also have to provide the main vocabularies of public place, so they will able to understand of what the vocabularies of public places are. In the comic that the write already provided, there are six vocabularies of public places and its function.


In realia media, the writer use the things that student is usually seen in their daily life as a student. It is stationary, such as pen, pencil, ruller, pencil case, scissor, sharpener, boardmarker and eraser. The way of teaching is, the teacher divided student into several groups and each group will get two realia media. All they have to do is the group make two paragraph of decriptive text base on the thing that they got. Ofcourse, before giving the treatment, teacher should explain detail of what decriptive text is and give lots example of its. 


In this globalization era, IT is developed quickly in many aspect including media of teaching learning. Consider of its, the write took Slide Master to help teacher in prepared material. This slide master is part of Microsoft Power Point. However, if the slide in power point stated one by one and must press the button “next”or “back” in the keyboard, in slide master the teacher doesn’t have to do that. The teacher just click on the word that already made by hyperlink. The benefit of using slide master is material will look like systematically and student catch the point of material deeply.



Maket is one of creative media for teaching English where the teacher does not have to bring student outside class to see the real things. Instead, the teacher will bring that real thing into the class through maket. The maket that the writer created was about the animal in the jungle. This maket is used for student in junior high school. The activity is the student should guess name of animal stated on maket in english and make a simple sentence. If  student answer one question correctly, so they will get one star. On the other hand, if the student doesn’t answer it correctly, they will get nothing. The one who collect many stars, he/she is the winner of the game. This game is aviable to play if the teacher has already teach student about vocabularies in animal or jungle context.

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