Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

Some Wrong perception of English student in Writing

Nowdays, many student university especially ones who studying at English major avoid of writing. In fact, when there have  competition of English writing hold by institutions, the enthusiastic of student to renspond is very low. Moreover, They seems very enthusiastic of debate competition instead write several paraghraphs and publish on website. It might caused of several wrong perception of writing that make students are less conducted  to write journal.

 First perception is , writing is wasting time. Speaking is more efisient  and it could save time than writing. Infact, they  can’t forget  writing when they  going to finishing their master degree. Because they have to write much about thesis and ofcourse TOEFL.  To be able in writing thesis student university have accustom to write in English. And writing also very usable in toefl. If they  write the answer with / but they use the wrong word, they will be fail in toefl test.

Second, writing is only do by somebody that master in writing.  Whereas that perception definitelly wrong. They must try to write in English and if  they got wrong on their journal, they can ask to lecturer and repair the journal. So, they can learn about writing step by step. That is they way is used by the master of writing English. Then, the person that become master of writing English also not become fast, they learned much about writing for a long time. 

Third, although many students is interest in writing,  but they feel writing is difficult one cause they don’t know where they want to start to write and also don’t know what they want to write. There are many thing that they could write. They can start to write something easy like topic about family, their daily activity or their interesting experices. Therefore, they can create a blog and publish the journal on it.

So, many ways to go to Rome.  Don’t looking for the problems that make us lazy to write.The most important thing is never give up and keep writing.

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