Selasa, 04 Juli 2017

Summary of Journal Article : he Problems in Professional Competence of Teachers in Teaching English Subject at Vocational High Schools by Syamsinar

Source : Syamsinar. 2015. The Problems in Professional Competence of Teachers in Teaching English Subject at  Vocational High Schools. ELT Worldwide. Vol. 2( 2)

The journal is generally focused on seeking the teachers problems dealing with professional competence in teaching English. The professional competence is one of the important competencies which must be improved and mastered by the English teacher of vocational high school especially toward mastering the subject matter of language aspects. Moreover , this researh is based on Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16/2007. 

The research conducted by using descriptive qualitative method and applied the purposive sampling in choosing sample of research. It held at  SMK I Somba Opu and SMKN 2 Somba Opu in Gowa, South Sulawesi. The participants was the experienced and inexperienced teacher from each school and eight students. The data were collected by using three instruments: questionnaire, interview and observation checklist.
            The findings to this journal found several problem occure to English   teachers   in   professional   competence   in   teaching   English   at vocational high schools in Gowa. There are, lack of pronounciation, lack of vocabulary of special term for various departement, difficulty to communicate the lesson by using English, difficult to acieve the basic competence and learning objectives, lack of teaching planning, difficult to select appropriate materials, difficult to adapt the material relevan to student’s departement, difficult to update material from many sources, lack of teacher development activities, not using information and communication tehcnology for effective communication and lack of classroom management.

          In conclusion, the English teachers' competence especially in linguistic aspect, the major problem faced by the teachers is dealing with lack of the vocabulary of special terms. Then,  the professional competence  of  English  teacher  at  SMKN  1  Somba Opu  and  SMKN  2 Somba Opu were still low. Moreover, among the group of an experienced teacher, it was found that an experienced teacher of English who comes from another discipline is not the same with the real experienced teacher of English in terms the professional competence.

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Summary of Journal Article : he Problems in Professional Competence of Teachers in Teaching English Subject at Vocational High Schools by Syamsinar

Source : Syamsinar. 2015. The Problems in Professional Competence of Teachers in Teaching English Subject at   Vocational High Schools...