Selasa, 20 Juni 2017

Summary of Ted Talk Video (How to Make Stress Your Friend by KELLY MCGONICAL)

The video is the orientation about handling stress presented by psyochologist named Kelly McGonical . Here the summary :
Stress has bad impact for people. From past ten years, Kelly has taught her patients to treat stress as enemy because ones who get stress will procure various illness start from fever and higher level illness, the cardio vascular deases. However,  she started worry of what she has been teaching is doing more harm than good. And now, she changes her mind about stress.

 There have one study that hole approach of stress. The study atrracted 30.000 adult in USA for 8 years. The result was people who experience a lot of stress in previous year about 43% increase risk of dying. But, it also happen for people who believe that stress is harmfull for their health. Peole who experience a lot of stress but did nt use stress was harmfull were no more likely to die. In fact, they had the lowest risk of dying than anyone in the study including the peole who relatively has little stress. The researcher estimated that over the eight year they were tracking death, 182.000 American died prematurely not from stress, but from the believe that stress is bad from them which means more than 20.000 death a year. 

According to Kelly, The science have already proven that changing our mind of stress make people healthier is possible. We can change our body reaction to the stress without. There one study named “Social Stress Test” designing to make people stress. The participant who already fell the stress in this test, they heart will be pounding, breathing fast and sweating. Usually they interprete this physical changes as anxiety as a sign of mismanage of pressure. However, how if we change that situation as a sign to charge our energy to preparing us to meet this challenge? The was a study conducted in Harvard University where before the participant do the Social Stress Test, they are taught to see the stress is something useful. That pounding of heart means the body prepare for action. If breathing faster, it doesnt matter cause it will bring more oxygen into the brain.

The result of the test shows, the participant who already learnt the stress as helpful for their performance, they feel less anxient and more confident. But the most fascinating, their blood are stayed relax, the heart were still pounding but it shows the healthier cardiovascular profile. It is similar condition in moment of joy and courage. This is what new science about stress reveal, that how we manage the stress is really matter. If a person think that hie/her body is prepare to the challange, the body will believe him/her, and the stress respond become healthier.

One of the most under appreciate aspect form the stress respond is stress make people social. To understand this stress, there have a oxytoxyn hormore that is a neuro-hormone that repair the social insting in the brain.It prime to do that streghtenth close relationship and enhance the empathy. But, the most people doesnt understand about oxytoxyn is the stress hormone. The pituary gland pump this stuff out as part of the stress reaction that is motivated to see some support. The biological reaction is maintained to tell someone how we feel, when life is difficult, the stress respond to be surrounded by people who care of us. 

Therefore, The science give Kelly new appreciation of the stess.When we choose to connect with others related to the stress, we can create defense of stress. Stress give us access to the heart, the lovely heart will bring us to the joy and meaning and connecting with others. The pounding physical heart is working so hard to give us energy for trusting ourselves.

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