Kamis, 22 Juni 2017

Review of Teaching Learning Class

Title :TRAVEL & EARN: Demo TEFL Lesson (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) ESL

1A. All about Travel and Earn

Travel and Earn is a community  of teachers who would work on teaching learning world wide. While they working, also they can travel around the world and earn money by teaching. Actually this community is not only about TEFL, but also sport, internship, volunteering. Agriculture, zoology and wildlife. However, the most prominant in Travern community is TEFL. To be a member of Travern (Travel and Earn) ofcourse we have been qualified some requirement. If we are qualified, we can save £1000 and feel free on travelling.


B. Video Analyzing
            The video shows a class with students and teacher  and asistant, a camera man, and the observers. This Teaching English for Foreign Language  demo was held in Ghuangzhou, China.

2. Baground Teacher and students
The teacher is a British native speaker and a member of Travel and Earn community who, his assisstant  is chinesee and also member of Travern community. Then,  students are from age six to twelve who studying at excellent elementary at one of school in Ghuangzhou.

2. Characteristic of Teaching Learning Process
The students are divided into four groups and the assistant give score to the student who are active or not, and who is answer the question correctly gave by teacher or not, the assessment is based on group. Thus, the material is all about vocabulary. Before the teacher gives material, he warming up student by sing the song of monkey. Then, the teacher show up pictures of trasportation such as car, helicopter, bicycle, motorbike, and bus and etc. Next, teacher pronounces the word and ask student to replay on what he said just now.
The teaching method that he used was “Direct Method”. It show up when the teacher playing FLASH CARD FUN GAME. In that game, the teacher shows the cards with several kind of transportations to the student and shout the name of its. Then, student will repeat it for several times. In this teaching learning progress, student also can take the role of it, the teacher asks student to go to infront of the class and ask to the friends what the picture is and his or her friend will answer the name of the picture. After that, the teacher gives the example of sentences by using vocabulary of transportations and ask student to repeat the sentence after shouting by teacher.

c 3. Role of Teacher and Student
The role of teacher is as a “director” who controlled the class. Even the teacher is director, it does not impossible that students are more active than teacher. This is not only teacher or student center. Based on this demo teaching learning video, but both of teacher and student can be like a partner.

  4.  The nature student-teacher interaction
Mostly the students are very active and curious on following teaching learning process, only few of them need more attention by teacher or teacher assistant. Fortunately, both  of teacher and teacher assistant  did their job very well.They have known student specificly and understand of the time on giving entertainment and the time that they should brought student to look up the material. Also, teacher and his assistant are very energic and expressive. They walk around the group to check the colaboration of student and act as riding or driving transportations excellently. So, the student who need more attention can follow the teaching learning process enthusiastically.

   5.  How the teacher respond the student’s errors
The way teacher respon student’s erros is by correcting directly face to face to student, because of the teacher does not give paper test exercise, the teacher and his assistant just corrected is directly for students error.

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